16 Aug Why choose bamboo toothbrush?
Bamboo toothbrushes are the most popular items purchased at the moment and there is a good reason for this! If you are considering buying a bamboo toothbrush, think about your current (probably plastic) toothbrush which will end up in a landfill or, even worse, the ocean when you throw it away. The majority of bamboo toothbrushes are made from organically grown bamboo which means that there are no harmful pesticides or chemicals in the substance. Since a bamboo has a wax coating, it will feel just like, or even better than, a regular toothbrush.

Bamboo has the ability to grow fast and prolifically in just a short time. When it is sustainably harvested, it causes no harm to the environment so you need not feel guilty about harming our precious earth. When the time comes to discard of your bamboo toothbrush, the good news is that the bamboo handle is 100% biodegradable and you could even have the bristles recycled. If you were wondering about the how sanitary it is to use a bamboo toothbrush, well bamboo is actually antimicrobial in its natural form, which means that you should have no harmful bacteria accumulating in the handle.

Of course, bamboo toothbrushes are simply great items to own because they look incredibly cool and elegant and can also be customized if you want. You could have your name or company name engraved on the handle so that you have a unique toothbrush for yourself or some popular marketing material for clients. Most bamboo toothbrush sellers give you the option of choosing different color bristles as well so you could match it to your bathroom’s color scheme if you want. When interviewed, most folks who had been using bamboo toothbrushes stated that they cleaned just as well as regular, plastic toothbrushes. So, what are you waiting for? When will you be buying your very own bamboo toothbrush?
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