09 Jan Why You are Probably Using too Much Toothpaste.
Ever heard of the saying, “less is more”? Well, this is definitely true when it comes to the amount of toothpaste you use and, chances are, you are probably using far too much!
So, how much toothpaste should you really be using according to dental professionals and is there any harm in over-using toothpaste? The way in which we measure out our toothpaste probably stems from toothpaste advertisements on TV, in magazines and in newspapers. There, we see a pretty ribbon of toothpaste along the entire length of the toothbrush. Although this makes the toothpaste look attractive on the brush, most dentists recommend that you only use a single, pea-sized amount of toothpaste to clean your teeth effectively. This is less than half the amount of toothpaste that most people actually use!
As an adult, using too much toothpaste will not damage your teeth as they are already developed but you will be wasting toothpaste and, over several years, this could mean a lot of money will be wasted! In children, you need to be especially careful of how much toothpaste they use as too much can damage their still developing teeth.

An easy way to overcome this problem is to use toothpaste tablets (such as Dent Tabs) where the correct amount of toothpaste you need is in one tablet. This is a great idea if you tend to be over-generous with portion sizes but would like to save money and care for our natural environment.
The majority of people who have tried toothpaste tablets, now use them on a permanent basis as they have discovered how convenient, mess-free and eco-friendly this option really is.
Toothpaste tablets are also a wonderful gift to give the person in your life who already has everything- they will really appreciate being introduced to a better and more fun way to cleaning their teeth!
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